Partnership Graphic with Logos from :EM and Threedy

Strategic partnership with :em AG

March 16th, 2022 Darmstadt, Germany

:em AG and Threedy establish a strategic partnership in 3D visualization for web-based collaboration. :em engineering methods AG, as a leading service provider for model-based and end-to-end digital development, and Threedy GmbH with its innovative technology instant3Dhub, for 3D streaming for web-based 3D visualization and collaboration, agreed to establisha partnership cooperation in the field of Digital Engineering.

em: AG and Threedy Partnership

:em AG and Threedy establish a strategic partnership in 3D visualization for web-based collaboration. :em engineering methods AG, as a leading service provider for model-based and end-to-end digital development, and Threedy GmbH with its innovative technology instant3Dhub, for 3D streaming for web-based 3D visualization and collaboration, agreed on establishing a partnership cooperation in the field of Digital Engineering.

The joint offering of :em' s tremendous consulting expertise in technical application areas combined with innovative technology will provide the market with digitalized, networked Model Based Engineering (MBE) on a new level - following our slogan "any data, any device, any size".

Partnership Graphic with :em and Threedy Logos
