instant 3D Visualization in the Palm Of Your Hand

Our instant3Dhub APIs and SDKs Fit Your Use Case

instant3Dhub is cloud native and built with the vision to enable omnipresent 3D data. To make even the most complex 3D data available, anytime and anywhere, Threedy publishes multiple SDKs and wrappers that seamlessly bring the webvisAPI into your use case with the tools you already use.


The webvisAPI is the instant3Dhub JavaScript library for custom apps and workflows, integrated either from scratch or to extend a template app.

Whether you are a developer, a startup, or an OEM, the webvisAPI enables you to create high-quality 3D apps and deliver them to your teams or customers quickly. Enrich existing apps with 3D visualization, connectivity, and interaction, or build them from scratch with our template apps.

Unreal Plugin

The instant3Dhub Unreal Plugin brings webvis and the 3D Space into Unreal Apps, allowing you to bring your engineering data into VR or use it for high fidelity visualization.


JxVis is the dedicated Java SDK designed to seamlessly wrap the powerful webvisAPI, enabling you to add robust, enterprise-grade 3D viewing to your Java applications. JxVis works with Swing and Eclipse SWT and runs on Windows x86/x64. JxVis is compatible with Java 8 and newer.