Welcome to instant3Dhub

Leverage instant3Dhub's powerful 3D visualization and automation capabilities to effortlessly integrate, visualize, and interact with CAD data directly within your existing workflows. This page will provide you with an overview of your journey with instant3Dhub.

Your Own Industrial 3D App in Three Steps:

Step 1: Get a license via Threedy

To start instant3Dhub, you will need to enter a serial key. Please reach out and we will get you sorted out.

Step 2: Download via Threedy repository

You can get the latest instant3Dhub release from our public repository as a helm package.

Step 3: Install via Helm on kubernetes

instant3Dhub is a containerized software that can be deployed on top of a container orchestration layer. The primary target is the Kubernetes platform, which is also highly recommended for productive environments.

Evaluate instant3Dhub

Quickly assess the value instant3Dhub brings to your organization.

Guides & Tutorials

Accelerate your adoption with structured guides and practical tutorials covering everything from integration to development.


Access detailed technical resources, including API documentation, integration specifications, and SDK references for advanced implementations.

Format Support

Get an overview of the domain and 3D formats supported by instant3Dhub, including the support depth.

For Developers & IT

Build and deploy 3D applications faster with instant3Dhub’s comprehensive API and robust development toolkit. Integrate with existing systems effortlessly, and create scalable, secure applications that meet the demands of modern software development.

For Engineers

Leverage powerful tools to simplify complex 3D CAD data processing. instant3Dhub helps you visualize, analyze, and leverage large 3D datasets with precision, enhancing your engineering workflows and reducing time-to-market.

For Product Owners

Empower your vision as you develop and deliver cutting-edge digital products within your organization. instant3Dhub facilitates the visualization of sophisticated digital twins and accelerates the development of new process tools.