instant3Dhub 3.10 introduces brand new set of functionalities New Features and Capabilities

Highlight parts with the ‘ghosted’ property

Sometimes, you might want to quickly locate specific parts, especially within larger models. In the past, if the specific part was located deep in a complex model, this could be a frustrating experience. By splitting the scene into fore- and background, our new, experimental “ghosted” property will improve the location and selection of specific parts. In short, the user will get the feeling of a superhero 🦸‍♀️ vision with this new feature!

Add guidance to parts with the ‘outline’ property

Sometimes, you might want to highlight the location of a specific (selected or unselected) part, especially within larger models. With the new, experimental "outline" property, we are introducing the functionality to highlight the outline (outer silhouette) of a specific part. This is super useful if it’s a very small part in a large model or the part is occluded by other parts. Figuratively speaking, parts are given a halo 😇 effect.

Faster XR development cycles with new XRPlaybackAPI

With the XR Playback API, recorded frame sequences can be played back anywhere, removing the need to visit the physical location for each test iteration. The recordings can be used to test new features easily or increase development iteration speed without the need of having a physical device available.

Interested in Augmented Reality (AR) ? Check out our iOS SDK.

Take control of the camera image quality

Added two new settings for XR configuration that allow to adapt compression and resolution to your use case, e.g. if the image quality of the AR Image is too low to detect certain features in the image. For some use cases a higher quality of the background image is required.

Interested in Augmented Reality (AR) ? Check out our iOS SDK.

Head to the documentation for the extensive breakdown of all changes and fixes. Detailed Changelog

Major Improvements

Improved Clipplane Gizmo

To allow for easy repositioning of the clipplane gizmo, we've introduced additional handles and dimensions for said gizmo that allow to move it on the x and y plane of the clipplane. They can be seen as a "+" on the clipplane in the video.

Simplified Model Alignment for Augmented Reality Setups

Easily set up AR tracking with the new AR Turntable feature. This mode aligns the model's up vector with gravity, allowing for intuitive left-right swipes or mouse drags to adjust orientation along a single axis. Perfect for objects with a stable ground reference, AR Turntable eliminates complex multi-axis adjustments, making model setup quick and efficient on both desktop and mobile devices.

Simplified cluster management for instant3Dhub

instant3Dhub utilizes Kubernetes, a leading container orchestration platform, to efficiently manage deployments and ensure optimal scalability across diverse workloads. With Kubernetes, automatic scaling can be configured to dynamically allocate resources as user demand fluctuates, keeping everything running smoothly.

Building on this, we’ve enhanced cluster management by extending the values.yaml configuration with options to define node selectors and affinities for each service pod. This gives administrators greater flexibility to control resource allocation, enabling instant3Dhub to place each service on the most suitable node type. The result is improved performance and resource efficiency, meeting the high-performance demands of real-time 3D applications.

For the Bold Innovators: Introducing Hub Mesh & 3D Space Transfer

Meet ‘Hub Mesh’—our vision for connecting multiple instant3Dhub instances to enable seamless resource sharing, streamlined authentication, and enhanced data allocation and provisioning crossing departments or infrastructure locations.

Launching this vision, version 3.10 introduces ‘3D Space Transfer,’ a secure, on-demand solution to transfer a 3D Space across instant3Dhub installations. This feature streamlines data access across boundaries making engineering and manufacturing data more accessible and bolstering reliability in offline or low connection scenarios with robust authorization control.

3D Space Transfer marks just the beginning, as our long-term goal for 'Hub Mesh' focuses on expanding resource and compute sharing to drive greater efficiency and scalability. Curious about what Hub Mesh could bring to you? Let’s explore together!

Preview: instant3Dhub 3.11

instant3Dhub 3.11 will bring new Markup and AR Features

On the webvisAPI side, we aim to include new Drawing Modes for drawing basic shapes like rectangles and ellipses and for scaling, rotating and erasing drawings. We are also currently reworking the QueryAPI for improved performance and usability and aim to have at least an experimental version of the changes in 3.11. Furthermore we will add new types of measurements to the MeasurementAPI.

For Augmented Reality (AR), 3.11 will include a functionality for target-actual comparisons and performance improvements. Also, stay on the lookout for new releases for our SDKs for Unreal, Java and iOS.

Want to participate or learn more? Shape the future of industrial 3D and instant3Dhub and have a coffee with our Product Team.

Developers take a look!

Introducing the instant3Dhub Nightly Release

Starting today, we are happy to introduce a Nightly Release for instant3Dhub that brings you closer than ever to our newest inventions! Due to the velocity of this release channel, we do however explicitly discourage from using this release for any productive environments.

To use the Nightly Release, head to

Introducing Feature Stages

Starting with 3.10, we are making changes to our internal CI/CD pipeline and slowly rolling out feature staging over the coming months. Be on the lookout for Experimental or Preview labels that mark rather volatile, under development functionalities of instant3Dhub. But aren't those the most fun? 👀

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